
Events and job offers will be posted here.


Job offers

Permanent position in quantum computing in the QuaCS team

A lecturer position is open in the QuaCS group of the LMF Laboratory of U. Paris-Saclay. The likely application schedule is

  • application by 31.1.2024
  • interviews between the 25.3 and the 5.4
  • start in september.

The teaching is in Computer Science, in an elite French engineering school: CentraleSupélec. English-speakers are most welcome.

If interested, please quickly get in touch with Benoît Valiron and Pablo Arrighi or any other member of our group.

Openings for quantum information postdocs in the INRIA team QAT in Paris

We are looking for creative and talented physicists/mathematicians/computer scientists with expertise on quantum information theory.

Areas of interest of potential applicants should be compatible with the QAT team research, which covers broad areas in quantum information theory from quantum verification, quantum algorithms and error mitigation to quantum error-correction, continuous-variable quantum computing and quantum foundations.

Successful applicants are expected to:

  • develop their own research in relation with other members of the team;
  • interact with a strong network of researchers at the French and European level by taking part in large research collaborations.
  • take part in the development of the research expertise of PhD students.

Applicants should send a CV and a research statement (expected ~2 pages, free format) to before May 1st. Candidates are encouraged to provide letters of recommendation. Later applications will be considered depending on available funding.

Where: École Normale Supérieure in the beautiful quartier Latin, in Paris. Duration: Flexible, 2 or 3 years. Among other benefits, the postdoc position comes with a generous travel and visitor allowance.
