

Inria is the French national research institute in computer science. Our research expertise spans all fields of computer science from programming languages and compilation to network, HPC, machine learning and computer vision.

QuantumTech@Inria1 is Inria’s structure dedicated to quantum technologies. Since 2021, it supports both our internal initiatives as well as the various French and European projects in which we are involved such as the French National Quantum Strategy.

Our researchers have been investigating quantum topics for two decades. Our main research topics span several themes from computer science and quantum information: quantum error correction, quantum error mitigation, quantum programming languages, diagrammatic languages and formal methods, quantum and post-quantum cryptography, quantum algorithms and communication.

Most of our project-teams are joint teams between Inria and its partners. The list of involved teams can be found on the Teams page. To learn more about the researchers, head to the People page.

Events and job/internship offers will be published on the Announcements page.

  1. See the institutional website↩︎